Today, a - a real, honest-to-god - technical discussion revolved around polarity reversals. No, seriously. There are some cases in which polarity reversal is a bad thing, and it needs to be solved.
My comments to the discussion were mostly in the form of uncontrollable giggles.
One of the lesser enjoyable things in life is catching something which makes you wake up in the middle of the night, running a fever, stomach cramping and your bowels generating more liquid than solid waste.
And all this while you could be outside enjoying the summer of Prague.
...when you're standing on one leg, and then you realize that your foot is in a fire, and you'd like to pull it out, but you're not quite sure whether your other leg holds, because you've never really used it 'cos it's your left one, so maybe you should wait and see if the fire goes out on its own, and there are some guys around you who are pissing on your leg, and it's nice because the leg's on fucking fire, but on the other hand - the guys are pissing on your leg...?
Thought so.
How about being a gold farmer? I find it really interesting how business, just like life, tends to finds ecological (economical?) niches and roots itself firmly there. Greed is as powerful as sunlight.
(Via Freedom to Tinker.)
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That, or we have a bad case of loony cultists nearby.
Häpeämätön mainos: Outi avasi korukauppansa. Nyt jos tarvitset itsellesi, puolisolle, kaverille tai vanhemmalle näppärän lahjan, niin rohkeasti tilaamaan!
(PHP on muuten nykyajan BASIC, olen vakuuttunut siitä. Sillä saa aikaan helposti tosi hirveää jälkeä.)
Edit: korukauppa, ei helmikauppa. D'oh!
Heh. Stumbled upon Niilo Paasivirta's The most famous Finns page, which lists 221 Finns and counts how many hits they get on Google at regular intervals. The last update seems to be from about a month ago. Somewhat surprisingly, the most famous Finn according to Google is Darude, though Linus Torvalds is a good second, and Kimi Räikkönen a strong third. And then you get the bunch of people you would normally expect on the list - you know, the kind of people that deserve to be there for being famous.
I was floored when I saw my name on the list at place 145.
I got more hits than Esa Saarinen, Mikko Franck, or Jari Tervo. Or even Jari Sarasvuo... And apparently, my position's been going down, with the average rating being 117. Though that could be due to influx of some actually famous people.
Heck. What to do with this newfound fame? Should I try using the "don't you know who I am" -line to get into night clubs? (Not that I ever go.) Or maybe stand in the middle of Narinkkatori and scream: "I am famous, worship me?" Or try to get in Seiska for doing something inane?
Nah. I'll diminish, go to work, and remain just Janne. And looks like I'm late already.
Update: Noticed that my online nick-name ecyrd is even more popular: 65,400 hits, which earns a place on the list at number 113. No wonder some people call me that IRL as well, even though I prefer my real name in real life.
Ewan: Get Over It… Podcasting Is No Different To Any Other Media.
Fun to see the podcasting community going through the same motions as the blogosphere did three years ago. Part of the growing pains, I suppose...
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"Main" last changed on 10-Aug-2015 21:44:03 EEST by JanneJalkanen. |