The Sunday List

To honor the best Finnish blog of 2003, here's my Sunday List:

  • Nights slept at home : 0 (coming home at 7 am does not count as night)
  • Hours slept in a bus: 3
  • Movies: 1 (Kopps)
  • Sauna: 1 (But twice, mmm...)
  • Weird "slap together whatever we can find in the cupboard and wok them" -dinners: 1
  • Eaten hamburgers: 1 (Sorry everyone, I still do eat them on occasion. Sorry to burst your bubble.)
  • Things never done before : 4 (Good weekend)
  • Things never done in public before : 1 (Good, but strange weekend)
  • New whiskies tasted: 1. (A simply gorgeous and rich Glenfiddich 21 years old Havana Reserve. One of the best I've ever tasted.)
  • New people met: countless
  • Number of hours spent reading the Pinseri Top-200: 7
  • Anonymous comments posted on blogs to feed the general discussion on the awards: 27 (Ha, you can't check, now can you? ;-)
  • Non-anonymous comments posted: 3
  • Number of meters: 47

And the best - hands down - Kuukkeli discussion thread is running on Kalamuki (Finnish only). *grin*


Some limited checking might be possible... for even whether there even were 27 such comments posted anonymously in total. ;)

--MichaelGoetze, 29-Mar-2004

I'd certainly like to see someone try :)

--JanneJalkanen, 29-Mar-2004

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