--, 27-Oct-2004
Yes, I was trying not to mention the US situation, as I don't know enough of it. I do know that private companies have almost no restrictions as to how information is collected and used.
The government then obviously buys this information from the private corporations, because they have restrictions as to what information can be collected.
--JanneJalkanen, 27-Oct-2004
I'm glad there are others who don't like this kind of data collection as well. Most of my friends laugh at me and say "who cares - it's not like they are evil companies" or something closely related. Sometimes I kindly reply to the clerk at the counter when he/she asks for such a card, "I respect my privacy" and sadly they don't usually get it - they don't see the information the company collects.
--Antti, 27-Oct-2004
You can always remind them of Sonera and ask "are you sure corporations never abuse their powers?"
--JanneJalkanen, 27-Oct-2004
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