Thanks for this piece of key evidence in the Microsoft versus Common Sense case.

We the defendant - common sense - rest our case and move to sob in a dark corner.

--Jan Wikholm, 21-Sep-2006

As a sidenote, I love the ads that Google is giving this entry...

--JanneJalkanen, 21-Sep-2006

Um, while the rest of the concerns seem valid enough, "Add DRM to any CDs you own and rip" seems a bit odd choice to get furius about, as there is a checkbox in ripping preferences called "Copy protect music" (which is grayed in the current beta).

"Oh no, I chose to add DRM to my files while ripping, and it did! Woes!" :P

Or did I understand something incorrectly? :)


--M, 22-Sep-2006

No, you're right. But I think it's still a problem - what if they start to ship it with the DRM bit set to "on" instead of "off"? How many people would then know how to turn it off? And once their computer breaks, they'd have to start the entire ripping process from the beginning, because they just did not know any better...

--JanneJalkanen, 23-Sep-2006

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