Good to hear, we are considering upgrading as well.

Funny how I will base my entire rational for upgrading on your good word :)

--Calgon, 15-Jan-2004

Hehe :-). My good word, based on a whole two hours of experience :-).

--JanneJalkanen, 15-Jan-2004

That's how we Americans form opinions ;)

--, 16-Jan-2004

Well, if it helps, after 16 hours I still think Tomcat 5 rules over Tomcat 4 :)

--JanneJalkanen, 16-Jan-2004

Janne/and the rest

I was nailed pretty good by this bug: which I fixed by adding the "CurrentVersion"="1.4" key under Java Runtime Environment. It was missing on both my machines.

This bug keeps TC5 from starting as a service on a windows machine. You get an Error 1053.

Also, I had been doubling up my Host\Context entries for my wikis. Context path="/wiki" was my wikihome path and I was using another context, Context path="/wiki/files" to store files.

(I'm sure all of this is bonehead to begin with but...) anyway, this was keeping my server from unpacking my war file. Since nothing I'm doing depends on the war being unpack, I never noticed.

~TomCat 5 seems to have some sort of problem with this, so I've changed the name of the folder where I keep my content and now my war file is getting unpacked - once for each wiki.

Anyway, I just thought I would share. Seems to be working now.

--Scott Hurlbert

--, 22-Jan-2004

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