And having to listen to those 20 kids because you can't take a book, magazine, music player, pen, paper... Hurrah!

--Hugo, 10-Aug-2006

Isn't this _exactly_ what terrorists want?

--Jasmo, 10-Aug-2006

What, disrupt air traffic and cause grief to countless people?

Nah. I think they just like to watch the fireballs.

--JanneJalkanen, 10-Aug-2006

I doubt it affects tax-free sales, cause haven't you already checked in once you get to the shops.. And you can't exactly buy anything dangerous from tax-free shops..? Shouldn't be a problem with connecting flights, either, unless you leave the transit area between flights.

--Stello, 11-Aug-2006

Well, one should think so, but apparently no. As far as I can tell, not even the stuff brought from the airport will be allowed on the planes.

--JanneJalkanen, 12-Aug-2006

There was some consultant on Sky News or BBC World who told that you can buy whatever you like "airside", meaning after you've gone through security (or, primary security, before the secondary screening at the gate).

The consultant was happy that this boosts tax free sales.

Of course, during the first few hours of the bomb scare, this may have been different there.

--AnonymousCoward, 12-Aug-2006

Well, I guess that's one way to increase sales (he said cynically).

--JanneJalkanen, 13-Aug-2006

Hey, at least those in-flight magazines and carppy 'AirMall' gatalogues finally get the customers' undivided attention! >;)


--AnonymousCow, 14-Aug-2006

You cannot quite buy anything you want. Besides, shops who sell perfumes, soft drinks or other kinds of liquids apparently ended up having to close shop, even in the tax-free zone. Airlines and shop owners are considering a massive lawsuit against the British Airport Administration to compensate their losses. I was also reading that countries where Brits would normally be travelling in droves, such as Canada, had lots of cancellations from travellers who wanted to spare themselves the whole mess. Some motels and inns in Eastern Canada are thus considering legal actions as a result of this as well.

--AnonymousCowbell, 19-Aug-2006

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