--jabberer, 09-Sep-2007
Yes, the longest trip is about 30 minutes. (Of course, people with Macs do have enough time to whip out their laptop - these babies wake up in seconds ;-)
Seriously; it might be useful for devices which are online in the background.
--JanneJalkanen, 09-Sep-2007
In the case of the underground, I think they're too busy trying to find a way for travellers not to faint in the summer. It's ill advised to take it in the height of August unless you have your trusty bottle of water with you. Older people would just have strokes. They've tried and had international engineering competitions, to no avail.
--Alex, 09-Sep-2007
Ten minutes of connectivity would allow for a update download of the newest podcasts on a mobile device - like you said, probably those ones that could be instantly connected work best
--Tuija, 09-Sep-2007
But how would that be different from having downloaded them at home already?
--JanneJalkanen, 09-Sep-2007
Test myfunction comment
--TestName, 21-Sep-2007
Test myfunction comment
--TestName, 21-Sep-2007
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