It's probably worth noting that given the way Facebook displays status updates from people, even if I notice I don't see anything from you (I didn't), my first thought wouldn't be "man, I wonder where Janne is," it'd be "thanks for fucking with my feed again, Facebook."

--Mikki, 05-Jul-2012

"It gets better if more people use it". Maybe… but "people don't get better if they use it more" :)

--karl, 05-Jul-2012

Mikki: indeed - our communication is now mediated by algorithms who decide which of us should know about each other. Scary, eh?

--JanneJalkanen, 05-Jul-2012

Mikki said "It's probably worth noting that given the way Facebook displays status updates from people" but I don't think so, you can see what happened in France 1 week ago, with the big Facebook's bug!

--bracelet, 02-Oct-2012

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