--Ripa, 05-Feb-2007
And damn you who taught me to sit to the end, :-) Now another set of people are suffering from it...
--Spinsteri, 05-Feb-2007
As you said the Pixar movies are well worth staying for the little snips. Some recently have put bloopers in the credits. My peeve is the guy that stands up in front of me and does the huge "arm flap flail while he gets into a coat that makes him look like the Michelin Man" routine which blocks the screen.
--Foster, 05-Feb-2007
What, L and I aren't the only ones that do this? How odd.
My reasons must be similar, since I absolutely can't remember any relevant cast credits or auditory acclaims. Still, there I sit, waiting for the atmosphere to subside, and maybe for the occasional closing jape.
Now, speaking of Pan - what is the relevance of the reverse time flow at the beginning, and is there any concrete proof of dying delusions versus fantasy during the movie? I can't name anything in certainty - which only makes the whole movie more memorable for me. (Can't wait for our showing of Devil's Backbone, here.)
And, by the way, Finding Nemo has some of the more amusing pixarish credits out there.
--ebu, 16-Feb-2007
I think the movie has been carefully constructed not to make the distinction. You can watch it as either...
--JanneJalkanen, 16-Feb-2007
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