I've got it all

The Human Virus Scanner via Janka:

The virus that have infected you will be show here along with thier cures, if known.

Viruses you suffer from:

Install the latest version of Microsoft Windows. Learn to love it.
Stop wearing the stick-on ears.
Free BSD
The GPL isn't that bad really. Adopt a penguin at the zoo.
Eat some real food. Something which you can identify the source of every ingredient, not the point of manufacture.
Gnome is better than workbench. BEOS is better than Amiga OS. The TV Modulator was a pain in the arse and an EXTERNAL power pack? I ask you. And it didn't have a built in MIDI port like some of its rivals.
CTRL-Break, and get a real computer. Repeat: "Mode 7 was not a good thing."
Polygons, all the polygons you can get are not enough.
Anything this old must be obselete. Go and install a nice modern operating system. I hear MSDOS has come a long way lately.
Buy a suit. Invest your money. Eat hotdog buns on a friday.
Try MacOS X. It's based on UNIX, it has a smoother UI than Windows and it doesn't suck. As an extra feature the boxes look nice.
Escape Meta Alt Control Shift.
Stop caring!
Computer Games
Stop staring at the screen and get some fresh air. You should see a doctor about the RSI in your thumbs.
Conspiracy Theory
Face it, the elected government is in control. Actually that's quite scary.
Consume more stuff! It's easier to buy new stuff than to recycle.
Use a mouse with more than one button.

Viruses you might suffer from:

Pokemon (60%)
Pikachu! Use your hyper-electric-get-a-life move now!
USA (80%)
Rule, Britannia! Britannia rule the waves! [repeat]
Gaming (70%)
Life is not a game. Roll 3D6. On a 4 or more go out and do something with your life.
British (60%)
No need for cure. Benign virus.
Japan (60%)
Big is good. Small is bad. Giant robots would not make a good last line of defence for Earth.
Religion (90%)
Read "God's Debris" by Scott Adams (yes, the Dilbert guy)
Brand Names (85%)
Having a well-known name doesn't make it good.
X11 (60%)
I hear Mac OS 10 Aqua is nice at this time of year.
Hippyism (65%)
Free love is passe and potentially dangerous, and patchouli smells like cat piss.


My take on Human Viruses! No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called ''!)

--Hephail, 29-Sep-2005

My take on Human Viruses!


--Hephail, 29-Sep-2005

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"Main_blogentry_290905_2" last changed on 29-Sep-2005 17:59:39 EEST by JanneJalkanen.
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