Googlers, ahoy!

I don't usually comment on the Google keywords people use to arrive on this site, but about these two (from a single IP within five minutes from each other) I gotta say something:

"unable to form relationships", and "dealing with being ugly".

Hell, what can I say?

You should start blogging. It is sometimes easier to write to an invisible audience (even though consciously, you know people out there read your blog) than taking up personal issues with friends, relatives or casual acquaintance. It's like a free, bad shrink that just listens and provides no answers.

But it does help.

The value of the blogs is that it allows different voices to bloom, and find their audience. This article about dating and blogging says it in the simplest possible terms:

If you blog about what you love, you're bound to attract a reader who loves the same thing, and perhaps with a little coercion, he or she could come to love you as well.

Update: Well, I seem to be #15 on a search for Jean Paul Gaultier male miniskirts as well. No comments.


"If you blog about what you love, you're bound to attract a reader who loves the same thing, and perhaps with a little coercion, he or she could come to love you as well."

Good please, let's not get down that road! This not the right arena for finding or seaching for love. The day someone comes to me saying " I love your blog, I love you", I'll stop. I'll scream, I'll get violent and I'll be quiet forever. That is a promise!

Love, keep it away from me, please!

--, 28-Apr-2004

Well, there's a romantic! ;-)

--JanneJalkanen, 28-Apr-2004

Of course, now you are number one for that search with the miniskirts.... ;)

--MichaelGoetze, 03-May-2004

Aaargh, nein!

--JanneJalkanen, 03-May-2004

Number fifteen? Have you checked it lately ;)

--llauren, 15-Jun-2004

I was afraid something like this would happen...

--JanneJalkanen, 15-Jun-2004

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