
Okay. Now that I have actually calmed down a bit, and had a nice steaming mug of tea, I can try and gather my wildly rampaging thoughts of the evening. Here are some moments and flashes from the evening:

  • Being the IRC host. I hope nobody thought I was badly drunk - I just could not see the keyboard because I was in the corner and there was only little light.
  • Windows (the one running the big screen) crashed at the beginning of the show. Yay. Hopefully nobody noticed.
  • (We should've projected the IRC channel on screen in the cases where we knew the winner was on the channel - note to self)
  • Being the IRC host was fun also because I got to be a proxy for people - I delivered a kiss to Shine (though I did not know that she was Shine, bugger), hugged Tira & Mindy, and would have had my face bashed in by Mikki, IF I had delivered the requested kiss.
  • Getting a chance to talk with the beautiful, smart and talented Kanerva, the evening's only double winner. It was a pleasure.
  • The man who walked in, looked at us with some relief on his face and said: "Good. I was almost certain this was a hoax, you know."
  • For once in my life, having an ample amount of drink coupons in my pocket. Drinks that someone else would pay for.
  • Being called "the second best dressed man in the room". By a lady I did not know beforehand, nonetheless. Of course, the best dressed man was Mike P, but I'm used to losing to him. Losing things like my Robin Hood tapes. Grr.
  • Being in the corner for the most of the show, and missing a lot mostly because a tall Greek God blocked my view. But the IRC party was cool, even though the GPRS was patchy at times.
  • My very own award :)
  • Seeing all of the people mingle, talk, get to know each other. So many were present (I counted 50 at one point, probably missed a few). It felt good.
  • Earl Grey's nice hat, which I completely neglected to mention during the evening, so I'll do it here.
  • "Yeah, I read that in your blog. It was funny."
  • The feeling of fulfilment after all of the plotting and scheming.


You'll get them!

--The best dressed man in the room, 27-Mar-2004

Yeah, even if I have to come and wrestle them from you...

--JanneJalkanen, 28-Mar-2004

Okay, now that you've come and wrestled the tapes from me, you can tell me who it was that commented on our fashion senses.

--Mike Pohjola, 21-May-2004

It was her. :-)

--JanneJalkanen, 21-May-2004

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