MS Store Visit

I know I'm getting hell for this, but I did actually buy stuff from the Microsoft Company Store. Got myself Office for Mac with Virtual PC for... pretty much pennies. It was odd to see people, normally a bit... apprehensive of Microsoft go on a shopping spree. People looked a bit of ashamed of themselves, as they carried loads and loads of Microsoft software to the cashier with glee.

But I wasn't any better. As my defense, I can say that I was probably the only one buying Mac software.

(As for that Windows XP... Outi specifically asked for it. And it was cheap. Really.)


Yes, I did. So you can all blame me :) Unfortunately, I need WindowsXP and I'm soooo happy Janne was able to get me one :)

--Outi, 25-Aug-2005

Bah, don't be ashamed - WindowsXP is a fine operating system.

--kolibri, 25-Aug-2005

Bah, don't be ashamed - WindowsXP is a fine operating system.

--kolibri, 25-Aug-2005

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