Is a T-shirt a T-shirt?

During our move, I realized how many T-shirts I actually have. I have both staff and regular T-shirts from Ropecon from every year (bar one or two), and I have been buying T-shirts as mementos from all over the world. So, I have about three shelves full of T-shirts these days, most of which I don't use, but which I don't really want to throw away either. They have meaning to me. That's giving up to you...

Anyway, SmartMobs links to a story from CNET:

If you find yourself wearing clothes from a new company called Edoc Laundry, beware: Strangers may walk up to you on the street to examine the intricacies of your shirt's patterns.

That's because Edoc Laundry's first line, expected to launch March 1, literally weaves an episodic, multimedia game into the fabric of the garments. The Seattle-based company is believed to be the first to attempt such a fashion feat. Edoc line

The idea is an extension of so-called alternate-reality games, or ARGs, in which people try to solve puzzles that are propagated online but require players to team up to find clues in the real world. Usually, the games are promotional vehicles for other products, including video games and movies.

Exploration of T-shirtiness is good. A T-shirt is not just something you wear.


I counted the t-shirts I owned a few years ago. The result was that I owned about 60 t-shirts, most of which I never wear. I have bought more since then.

Of course, many of them are irreplaceable nowadays. Where to get 1993 Assembly t-shirt? Tienristi Larp t-shirt? The t-shirt of our performance group in lukio with the ostrich on it?

T-shirts are definitely not just a garment.

--Pare, 22-Feb-2006

Quite a few many things are irreplaceable, once you start attaching memories to them...

--JanneJalkanen, 22-Feb-2006

I have lots of t-shirts like that. I've put them aside, to the back of the wardrobe - that way they don't clutter the space that I so much need for my wearable stuff, but I can still keep them. Of course I keep them.

--kolibri, 23-Feb-2006

My friend made an excellent quilt out of her old t-shirts. I have seen a few other t-shirt quilts on line, even a place where you can ship your t-shirts and they will make a quilt out of them for you. ( Now that I have written that, I don't know how you would it apart from spam, but anyway....

--Tim, 24-Feb-2006

I don't think it's spam if it's relevant to the discussion...

--JanneJalkanen, 24-Feb-2006

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