Bare feet?

Mindy wonders if anybody would notice if she took her shoes off at work (in Finnish). In the spirit of scientific exploration, I took my shoes and socks off to check what would happen.

So far it's been 15 minutes, and at least one person went by without saying anything (though she did wonder why I did not want to go to lunch yet.) I will keep you updated.

(Oh yeah, and my coworkers reading this weblog: it does not count if you read it from here first. So nyah.)

30 minutes: I'm feeling a slight chill. I'm trying to wiggle my toes to keep them warm.

60 minutes: Close to an hour. My feet are definitely getting cold. I wonder if there's "email yoga"? (By the way - I have about four Gmail invitations left, so if you want to test drive it, drop me some email.)

100 minutes: I'll now attempt to go to the toilet. Wish me luck.'

102 minutes: back. Nothing.

Two hours: No comments yet. But I've found a completely new place to rest my feet underneath the table! There's a small crossbar with a nicely textured surface, that feels just perfect...

2.5 hours: Still nothing, even though I've talked with people. Perhaps they cannot see my feet from under the table? You know, I'm starting to wonder that perhaps nobody else here actually has X-ray vision. That would explain all of the funny underwear people have.

Three hours: Ok, still no comments, though I am sure I'm hearing snickering from the floor above. I think it's time for lunch - but... to wear shoes, or not to wear shoes when going out - that is the question!

Final entry: Stopped. My feet were getting far too cold - I have bad circulation. No comments whatsoever. Disappointed.

So Mindy: They might notice, but in all likelihood - they would not care. So feel free to walk around with bare feet. :-)


People noticing and making remarks are two totally different things. I noticed that my collegue wasn't wearing any shoes but I didn't say anything.

--Milla, 21-Jun-2004

I know.

This is not only a scientific, it's also a social experiment.

--JanneJalkanen, 21-Jun-2004

Up here, on the sixth floor, people take their shoes off all the time. They tend to leave their socks on, though.

--celia, 21-Jun-2004

That's because brainmatter floats upwards, I think.

--JanneJalkanen, 21-Jun-2004

I took my shoes off all the time in my last office (and in the UK I was definitely the only one). I only got odd looks when I padded up and down the stairs to other floors.

Going to the toilet, and taking socks off as well, are, I think, potential, deal breakers.

--Chris H, 21-Jun-2004

If I started removing all of my clothes, things might get more interesting. Hmm...

--JanneJalkanen, 21-Jun-2004

I'd recommend getting some sort of fluorescent lamp. Their transformators get just warm enough to keep your legs warm and cozy.

--psi-, 21-Jun-2004

I used to do that with the transformer of my old Amiga... Until I nearly burned my soles :)

--JanneJalkanen, 21-Jun-2004

CanĀ“t find words. Am very impressed of your bare feet investigation.

--Mindy, 22-Jun-2004

"Impressed" or "worried"? :-). Anyway, you are welcome.

--JanneJalkanen, 22-Jun-2004

I went bare feet three times during the weekend and got slack for it immediately every time. "Oh, you're just trying to be macho."

--J-Ko, 22-Jun-2004

Bare feet are good for you.

--JanneJalkanen, 22-Jun-2004

Finns are more polite than Americans.

--Alan, 05-Aug-2004

Good luck to you and hope you are going to leave your shoes off! So what if people look and stare let them.I am normally in my bare feet too.In some places you would look out of place if you had shoes on!So if you are OK with leaving your shoes off fine. Barefeet are OK by me! Regards Leslie

--Leslie, 07-Oct-2004

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