Way to go, Ford!

DETROIT (Reuters) - A conservative Christian group has launched a boycott of Ford Motor Co., saying the automaker had reneged on a pledge to drop its advertising in gay publications and support of gay rights groups.


Ford spokeswoman Kathleen Vokes said in response to the boycott announcement, "Ford is proud of its tradition of treating all with respect and we remain focused on that we do best, building and selling innovative cars and trucks worldwide."

(Full article by Reuters via HS.)


I like what National Gay and Lesbian Task Force executive director Matt Foreman had to say:

"In less than one week, the American Family Association (AFA) capitulated and suspended its boycott of Ford Motor Company. It's abundantly clear that AFA heard -- loud and clear -- from Ford dealers that they thought the boycott was a stupid idea...

--Yansen, 21-Mar-2006

Heh. Good to see that there's still some sense and sensibility in this world.

--JanneJalkanen, 23-Mar-2006

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