More desperation

Zds writes:

Minulle selvisi äskettäin käydyn keskustelun perusteella että Lipposen leirillä on tukevat yhteydet Microsoftiin Lipposen entisen erityisavustajan Mikael Jungnerin kautta ja ko. herra on siten myös ollut muodostamassa valtioneuvoston kantaa mm. ohjelmistopatenteista. Siis niinku häh?

Finnish local politics: Microsoft Finland's "information society manager" used to be our former PM's assistant, and thus involved in drafting the official Finnish stance to software patents. He is also to be the new head of the Finnish Broadcasting company, starting 1.5.2005. Fishy? Highly. Typical? Of course. The sandbox over here is so small, that anyone with any power is bound to have political connections. However, no matter how well motivated, how skillful, or how honest a person is, it still looks pretty bad to be involved in politics while having such a high position in one of the few companies in the world that regularly gets screamed at having "evil" business practices.


I think that Nokia as well is firmly in the same corner with other pro-patent members..

--Henrikki, 20-Feb-2005

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