Man, I feel like a woman!

Today's menu:

I've actually seen BA before, in Melbourne. Love them!

They're actually playing now, so I am really concertblogging! Woohoo! Rock!

(Should've brought earplugs. Dammit. Too loud.)

Update: Back. All in all, a very enjoyable concert. What really impressed me was the ease with which Shania took the audience. The stage was low, and people were let really close - she signed autographs, shook hands, and took gifts. After all the fright and scares (and security checks at the door - for some reason a security girl took a really long time with me) we have been forced to endure in the past couple of years, it was really refreshing to see someone approach the audience so openly. Good for her!

Oh yeah, and the fireworks were rather impressive.


And this is the man who dated a person whose speciality is hearing protection? *sigh*

--Me, 18-Mar-2004

Well, you know, no free supply of ear plugs anymore... I'd have to make the effort of buying them :/

--JanneJalkanen, 18-Mar-2004

i was there too. it was grrrr8! and shania really can take the audience...amzing woman.

--foxy shady, 22-Mar-2004

Yeah, ain't she? And of course, you could see the famous belly button. If you had binoculars, that is. :)

--JanneJalkanen, 22-Mar-2004

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