No such luck

Finally back, after spending about 40 hours in the same set of clothes. Arriving on the airport, I grabbed my bag and walked on with the enthusiasm of a zombie on Prozac, anxiously waiting for a ride home, and a hot shower. However, customs picked me from the queue and made me account for all the stuff that I had with me (in a rather unfriendly manner, I might add, too). Unfortunately, on closer inspection, it turned out that I had made a slight currency conversion error and had gone a bit too overboard with my purchases, and had to pay 35€ of taxes and fines. Oh well, it was still cheaper than buying that stuff from Finland.

On a separate note, here's a cool use of RSS: Pluck in your birthdate, and it will give you a feed, which consists of all the stars that are within your theoretical sphere of influence, i.e. your "light cone". Thanks to Matt for doing this. It really warms the heart of an old astronomy geek :-).

HR857 is 33.9 light years away and only 5 days from the outer surface of your light cone - your ever-growing sphere of potential causality.


Very cool, so now I can expect visitors from Beta Trianguli Australis to arrive on my 80th birthday since they "saw the light" and came as soon as they could in their 'Fast as Light Ship'. What a party that will be!

--Foster, 16-Feb-2004

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