Late for work

She made me woollen socks!
I missed the alarm clock, and was just about to get up, as she stirred and turned in her sleep. She grabbed a tight hold of me, arm over my chest and her leg over mine. "...I already missed you so much..." she murmured sleepily, and fell back to sleep.

I just couldn't move.

I did not have the heart to move away from her embrace, should she awaken. So we both lay there, happily in each others arms, just resting the world away. It took an hour and a half for me to be able to move her arm gently away, and slip into the shower. When I came back, she had moved to the exact spot where I had been; clutching the pillow I had rested my head upon.

My heart aches with love.

So I was late for work, even convoluted by the bus strike and some computer problems. But that single, long embrace somehow made it all okay.


i almost thought that you're writing a fiction ;-) very sweet side of you.

--, 17-Nov-2004

Thanks :-)

--JanneJalkanen, 17-Nov-2004

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