Switch and techno-lust

A man opens the door and sighs. He grabs the piles and piles of paper lying on the floor: A magazine subscription, a two-day old newspaper he will never read, some junk mail, a letter or two from the bank - and last, a lone, white letter on which it stands with green, innocent letters: "Taxation Office".

That letter is saved last. It lies there, on the table, calling, waiting for an opportune moment. The man checks his email, does his laundry, makes some phone calls, watches a program on the TV. Waiting, considering.

Finally, there is no choice anymore. Reality must be faced eventually, however seductive the dream worlds are. The man reaches for the letter and slowly, methodically rips it open, right on the perforated line. His life in numbers rolls before his eyes.

"Your income... blaablaa"

"Your taxes... blaablaa"

"Tax Return/Supplemental Tax..."

The man stares at the figure for a moment. Then he calmly removes himself from the couch and walks to his computer. He enters the URL, and with trembling hands, orders himself a brand new 12" Apple Powerbook...

I really, really, really don't want to re-install Windows ever again.

Let's see how this union works out.


I can tell you from experience of well over a year now, that the certain decision you made today you need not regret.

--, 09-Oct-2003

Lucky you :)

While I'm not fond of closed operating systems, and Apple has a history of dubious practices, they are still miles ahead of Microsoft on both the ethical and the tech counts. By all accounts OS X is a very decent Unix system, the only thing I would probably miss from Linux is virtual desktops (and don't tell me "hacks that do that are available as shareware" - I want a window-manager built-in virtual desktop, not hacks, and I dislike the whole "shareware" concept).

But anyway, Powerbooks are sweet. If I had cash I'd buy one of the new 15" models, but that will have to wait until next year I guess.

--Orava, 10-Oct-2003

Yeah, well... I have nothing against shareware, so any hacks are cool by me. Shareware is, after all, just commercial software but made by individuals instead of companies, with either limited or fully functional demo versions...

And I wonder if you could actually do something like virtual desktops with Panther's quick user switching (or whatever it's called). I'll let you know how it works out :-)

--JanneJalkanen, 10-Oct-2003

Ooh, Panther...

And I want one too! *pouts*

--Milla, 10-Oct-2003

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