Early morning woes

Woke up with a terrible headache at 4 am. Yes, I had one beer. But just one. We were warned in advance that Las Vegas has a tendency to make people think they can drink all night, gamble all their money, sleep 15 minutes per night (or even pick up smoking), and still be fresh and excited at the booth at 8 am.

Well, I am excited, due to the new Nokia 6131NFC. This is the first integrated NFC solution, and it's a nifty phone, too. The Nokia booth is very busy - at least it was on the both times I was there. At the NFC Forum booth in the Sands Center (where I am, come and say hi!) things are more quiet, but that's to be expected: everyone goes to see the big shows first, and when the Adult Entertainment Expo starts in the Sands tomorrow, things should get busy with people who want to see two expos with the same trouble.

Speaking of travels, the traffic is simply murder here. At least with 150,000 geeks trying to get around...

By the way, now I know what people with too much money do: they come to Las Vegas. The amount of consumption that this city was designed to handle is simply awesome.


Now, when do we get a S60 device with NFC?

--Jukka Eklund, 13-Jan-2007

Can't comment on possible future products, sorry. You know the corporate life :-)

--JanneJalkanen, 13-Jan-2007

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