Interop magic
Notice the "Now playing" -ticker on the right-hand bar. It comes from the XMMS player, and is directly written on the NowPlaying page. No changes to JSPWiki are necessary - here's the relevant shell script that does the hard stuff, and is called by the XMMS Song Change -plugin every time the song changes:
#!/bin/sh FILE=/tmp/NowPlaying.txt DEST=grey:/p/web/www-data/butt-ugly/ echo $1 > $FILE scp $FILE $DEST
You, of course, need to setup SSH so that you don't have to input a password. JSPWiki will notice that the page has been externally changed and will reload it.
Update: The question is, how do I do this for Winamp as well?
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"Main_blogentry_060703_2" last changed on 06-Jul-2003 22:41:36 EEST by JanneJalkanen. |
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