It is actually top4 links in google (least for me), but Matti propably played safe and wrote 3. I tried to write something in finnish about the gay sites, but it sucked so i wrote some random thoughs here.

What i quick checked those top4 gay sites are "frontpage galleries" which are aggregating pictures from other sites. By frontpage 2 sites were clearly adultporn, one was generic site where is everything from teens to granpas and one was teen gay porn site (people in pics were probaply 18+ or so). By Netcraft info sites were created between 1997, 2003, 2003 and one in 2007. Also by Netcraft they were owned in USA, Austria, Netherlands and Germany. Physical location of the webhosts were in Netherlands and USA. Alexa ratings were between 6000-25000 so they werent that popular, but known anyway.

So what we learn about this? All those four are existed for some time by now and are owned and located in countries where is illegal to do commerical porn with people under 18 (like in all EU and USA it is) and where is working "western" justice system. Ok, USA is little bit shady, but they used to kidnap people and they could wiretap SWIFT in their war against terrorists, so i think that they can handle couple pornsites. So why those site's arent closed by our fellow EU countries or USA if there is child porn and if there is not childporn why they are blacklisted by our police?

And the very much bigger question is that why in the hell all over western countries we are building walls like no good secret national childporn filtering systems when it is problem with global co-operation of police and other agencies.

--Zache, 09-Jan-2008

You took the feet out of my mouth, Zache. I would much rather spend the money on hunting the criminals, and hammers and nails to attach the porn salesmen's dicks to blocks of wood.

--JanneJalkanen, 09-Jan-2008

Didn't I comment on this? I thought I did...

--Kari Haakana, 09-Jan-2008

No, I think you've just been commenting on mysterious rocks.

--JanneJalkanen, 10-Jan-2008


The List can be accessed by independent ombusdman (what the heck is eduskunnan oikeusasiamies in English? Well, by that guy anyway). So if there's is something wrong with The List (beside the obvious), someone should make a complaint (

I checked my no 1 Google hit (Horny Greek) via anon proxy. Looked like plain vanilla gay tgp to me. No child porn anywhere, though some models looked young and ads used words "boys" and "teens". Which of course is SOP on any porn site.

--Kari Haakana, 10-Jan-2008

No need for anonymous proxies... Just use a real ISP like Nebula - they don't block anything (yeah, just tried :-), give you real IP's with reverse DNS and have ~10 minute helpdesk response time 24/7 (my problems get resolved in 10 minutes, even after midnight). Elisa tried three months to get a working DSL connection here (in the middle of Tikkurila) with no luck - Nebula got it working in 5 minutes. And Sonera is just as bad as Elisa. Saunalahti is the same as they're part of Elisa now. And Welho.... they sucked even when the others didn't.

So, in all honestly, you're only have yourself to blame if you're using Elisa/Sonera/Welho.

And hey, I'm not even related to Nebula in any way, I'm just another happy customer.

--Kim, 10-Jan-2008

I wonder what would happen if someone actually started really to complain that the sites do not actually contain kiddie porn? Over 700 sites right now - wouldn't that essentially clog up the entire ombudsman office?

--JanneJalkanen, 10-Jan-2008

Propably nothing, because everybody is most likely happy to sensorship even those pictures which isn't kiddie porn. What i checked The List, the gay and 18+ teen pictures was pretty much the most positive experiences what one can find there. Rest is pretty much stuff what makes you want get internet sensorship even if they arent kiddieporn, but even less i like that there is secret morale police who is choosing what is right and what is wrong. Funny thing is that if the list would be public and one could freely to choose to use it I would propably use it, because it makes the internet safer. Now when it is secret it just makes society worse.

Anyway i wrote something about The List in finnish.

--Zache, 11-Jan-2008

But what about the program Nikki wrote? I don't seem to be able to find anything (besides my Finnish fails me). Could it possibly be a tool other people could run against their ISPs to get to know of any possible URL blacklists? I was just thinking that would revolutionize dealing with all sorts of censorship dumbfucks.

--AnonymousCoward, 16-Feb-2008

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